Top 10k strings from Galactic Trooper (1984)(Romik Software)(16k).tzx
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4 G.T. 4$ 2 t of the game is to destroy the Galactic Attack Force and stop them landing on Earth in their Landing Craft If they land then you will lose a base but a bonus base is given for 2 W CALL CLSCO 2 V CALL CLS 2 U DJNZ LPIII 2 Score 2 S ADD HL,DE 2 R LD DE,6 2 P CALL SOUND 2 I LD E,80 2 H JR NZ,-9 2 GALACTIC TROOPER 2 F AND 17H 2 E IN A,(254) 2 C CALL SOUND 2 B LD E,50 2 A PUSH HL 2 @ JR Z,-9 2 =2,m!.m4!0m4> 2 <2 2 2 2 2 2 6667 2 2 2 2 866667 2 2 2 2 8666 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 :::::::;GALACTIC TROOPER<:::::::Written by I Morrison=D AndersonProvision has been madefor a joystickDo you wish to use 2 < to fire a missile or use a joystick Scoring is as follows Intergalactic Mothership 2 8 AND 17H 2 7 IN A,(254) 2 5 JR NZ,-9 2 1 CALL PLINE 2 0 LD BC,5 2 *1m###"1m& 2 *******)***)()**('(**'&'*'&%&'&%$%& 2 ) LPIII PUSH BC 2 ' ADD HL,DE 2 & LD DE,5 2 % LD HL,(23635) 2 $BFJRbFJRbFJRbFJRbB$ 2 $ CALL PR> 2 # LD D,18 2 " LD BC,717H 2 ! CALL PLINE 2 points You must also avoid the explosions of the Galactic Troopers as they fall toward you Hitting the Mothership gains bonus points 2 Sinclair Research stickPLEASE SELECT NOWGAME OVERYOU HAVE SETA NEW HIGHEST SCORE WELL DONEPLEASE ENTER YOUR INITIALS;___<SELECT SKILL LEVEL [ 2 ROMIK SOFTWARE PROUDLY PRESENT 2 ORG1 CALL CLSCO 2 Kempston joystick 2 CLSCO LD HL,22528 2 Trainee Trooper 2 To control your craft use keys; 2 Landing Craft MYSTERY If you score a new Highest Score use left right and fire toenter your initials ;GOOD LUCK< 2 LD HL,23272 2 LD BC,768 2 LD (HL),8FH 2 LD (HL),15 2 JR NZ,-8 2 Galactic Trooper 2 CALL CLS 2 By ???6664 1 1 1 1 1SHIP1 1 1 1 1 5666 2 2 2 2 2 2; 2 LD HL,HEAD 2 ;INSTRUCTIONS< :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The object of the game is to destroy the Galactic Attack Force and stop them landing on Earth in their Landing Craft If they land then you will lose a base but a bonus base is given for every 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX